From Consultation to Care Conversation: Unlocking the power of conversation as a therapeutic tool for a post COVID world
Conversations lie at the very heart of every doctor-patient encounter. Since 2017, we are working together with the Pain Unit team in Hospital Clínic de Barcelona exploring the power of conversation as a therapeutic tool in pain management. Pain always comes with a personal story filled with emotions, and emotions can only be revealed and supported through compassionate conversations. These conversations are strongly influenced by the level of awareness, skills and strategies of their participants, but also the different layers and characteristics of the context in which they occur, in this case, the healthcare system.
The enormous spike of teleconsultations triggered by the COVID19 outbreak has brought us to a new paradigm of the doctor-patient relationship. On the horizon, telecare will further establish itself and with it, the power of the conversation as a therapeutic tool and as a catalyst for building relationships of trust in healthcare will sharpen. A great opportunity to consolidate all the positive experiences resulting from these last months of crisis, overcome all the challenges that have emerged and work to make good Care Conversations the new normal.
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